Nova sezona emisije DIREKT! Vesti sa svetskog prvenstva u rvanju – istorijski uspeh Srbije! Za ljubitelje MMA, vesti sa nedavnog FNC dogadjaja. Takodje, posetili smo neotkriveni biser medju borilačkim klubovima – Akademiju Vitez u Kovinu. I zadržali smo standardnu “rubriku” o profi boksu. Uživajte! For more info, follow us at: Instagram: TikTok: Website: The entire content on our channel is Copyright© MegaPromotion System. This content may not be copied or duplicated in whole or part by any means, without express prior agreement in writing. Some content may be copyrighted property of ARENA CHANNELS GROUP d.o.o. Beograd. Acknowledgement of those copyrights is hereby given. All such material is used with the permission of the owner.