Last weekend we’ve chat with Megan Olivi one of the best sports boradcaster, TV host and reporter that you can see behind mic on ESPN UFC and NFL on Fox. Girl who is the best to conjure up…

Last weekend we’ve chat with Megan Olivi one of the best sports boradcaster, TV host and reporter that you can see behind mic on ESPN UFC and NFL on Fox. Girl who is the best to conjure up…
U epizodi 15 gledaćete: 1. Razgovarali smo sa čuvenim selektorom rvačke reprezentacije Srbije Miloradom Dokmancem 2. Tekvondo klub Galeb se priprema za predstojeće Evropsko prvenstvo 3. Psiholog Marija Srećkov Pavlović priča o psihološkoj pripremi sportista, kao jednom od…
One of the toughest UFC fighters today – Gilbert Burns. After one of the most attractive fights of the year, with Kamzat Chimaev, Burns states that after every fight he learns more about himself, and about his opponents.…
U novoj epizodi emisije Direkt gledaćete: 1. Ali Arslan je osvajač evropske bronze za reprezentaciju Srbije u grčko – rimskom stilu! 2. Završen je 59. Beogradski pobednik – memorijal Branko Pešić. Najboljim bokserom proglašen je Jovan Nikolić! 3.…